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Founder - Dreadless

Creater/Owner of the Discord server which houses the majority of our content. Gained OU Students club official membership 2021-2022.

Moderator - P0z0x

P0z0x is a massive benefit to the club, he brings a wide range of knowledge and moderates our Discord platform.

Moderator - m0j0r1s1n

M0j0 has been with us since the beginning and is an asset to the team who consistently keeps Discord's HTB moving and webpages up to speed.

Moderator - SPEER

Speer offers a wealth of knowledge being at the cutting edge of his game. Pen-tester by trade and open to all questions.

Moderator - iDomino

iDomino, the server and teams fountain of knowledge. A Pythonista from another world. You need help you got it!!

Kudos to KrAm211 for the original social media ideas and emp0p's contribution.